7eN During the second half of the 19th century the name Prenzlauer Berg gradually came to stand for a city district In less than 50 years the former landmark had been transformed into a housing and in dustrial zone The buildings to the front of the tenement blocks generally housed white collar workers with higher salaries while the side and rear courtyard buildings housed wor kers from the nearby industrial compounds Often small busi nesses or craftsman s workshops that were responsible for finishing industrial products settled into the courtyards After all only a few steps were needed to go from one s bed to the workplace It was in this time that the ordina ry Joes were born whom the Ber lin based painter and poet Hein rich Zille so poignantly depicted for posterity What appeared as highly poetic from the outside however could not conceal the squalor in living standards and the lack of comfort of those forced to live here Even well into the 1980s over half of the residents of Prenzlauer Berg shared an outside or stairwell toi let PreNzlauer berg VOm sPatz zum ParadiesVOgel PRENzlAuER BERG FROM SPARROW TO BIRD OF PARADISE SENEFElDER STRASSE NAcH SANIERuNG SENEFElDER STRASSE vOR SANIERuNG HuSEMANNSTRASSE KOPENHAGENER STRASSE Friedel Kantaut tic Stefanie Gronau tic Friedel Kantaut tic Friedel Kantaut tic

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